Personality Test Center

An insightful journey into personality

IPIP-NEO short form

Short form for the IPIP-NEO (International Personality Item Pool Representation of the NEO PI-R™)

The International Personality Item Pool Representation of the NEO PI-R™ (IPIP-NEO), serving as an insightful alternative to the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO PI-R™), is intricately designed to probe the complexities of human personality. By focusing on key behavioral traits, this tool offers a deep dive into the individual psyche.

Embedded within the structure of the IPIP-NEO are five major personality domains:

  • Neuroticism: Evaluating emotional instability, anxiety, and moodiness.
  • Extraversion: Encompassing traits of sociability, assertiveness, and a propensity for positive emotions.
  • Openness to Experience: Reflecting an individual's engagement with creativity, curiosity, and novel experiences.
  • Agreeableness: Concerning itself with altruism, trust, and cooperative behavior.
  • Conscientiousness: Capturing aspects of self-discipline, organization, and reliability.

Given its comprehensive scope, the IPIP-NEO is invaluable in various contexts, ranging from psychological research to personal growth, enabling a deeper understanding of individual behavioral differences and facilitating insights into how these traits manifest in diverse environments.

Short version of the IPIP-NEO

The short version of the IPIP-NEO, while maintaining the integrity of the original, offers a more time-efficient approach. This compact form, comprising 120 items from the larger inventory, facilitates a rapid yet thorough assessment of personality traits, typically completed within a span of 15-25 minutes. Its development, informed by the responses of over 20,000 individuals, ensures a level of reliability that, though slightly lower than the full version, remains robust.

This shorter version is particularly advantageous in situations where time is a constraint or for individuals seeking a quick yet comprehensive personality overview. It not only provides a broad understanding of the five-factor model of personality but also delves into the nuances of one's standing within the five key domains and their corresponding 30 subdomains. The effectiveness of this assessment is closely tied to the accuracy and thoughtfulness of the responses. Should there be a significant discrepancy between the results and the perceptions of those who know the respondent well, this may signal the need for a more careful consideration of the answers provided, underlining the necessity for genuine engagement with the assessment process.

Purpose of this inventory

  • Educational Objective: To educate the public about the five-factor model of personality, demonstrating how individuals align with key personality domains.
  • Insight into Personality Domains: It explains one's standings in broad personality domains, recognizable to those who know the individual well.
  • Assessment of Domains and Subdomains: This tool estimates standings across 5 broad domains and 30 subdomains, providing a detailed personality profile.
  • Objective Nature of the Report: The report is objective, focusing on factual personality traits rather than flattering or pleasing insights.
  • Accuracy and Validation: Accuracy can be impacted by measurement error and the quality of responses, underscoring the need for careful and sincere participation.
  • External Validation: If acquaintances’ perceptions significantly differ from test results, it suggests possible inaccuracies, highlighting the importance of external feedback.

Test acknowledgment and consent

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For further information

  • The full IPIP contains 1,699 items assembled by Dr. Lewis R. Goldberg. The URL for Dr. Goldberg's IPIP is The IPIP is in the public domain and its items can be freely downloaded from that site.
  • The IPIP-NEO is not equivalent to the commercial inventory on which it is based, the NEO PI-R™, authored by Paul T. Costa, Jr. and Robert R. McCrae.
  • The scoring and narrative report routines for these items were created by Dr. John A. Johnson, Professor of Psychology, Penn State University.

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