Discover your Jungian type: personality test based on Jungian typology

Personality Test Center

An insightful journey into personality

Personality types

Personality Type Questionnaire


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Personality type test:


1. Would you rather be a
2. You are least likely to waste time
3. In a workplace environment you would more likely notice the absence of
4. Would you say that you like to
5. Where would you prefer to spend most of your time if you were on holiday
6. Would you say that you are most often concerned with
7. Do you admire people who
8. Do you tend to
9. In your opinion most people are
10. Do you admire people who are
11. Do you find it
12. You know how to make good use of your time
13. If you were asked to organize entertainment
14. Reality is in essence
15. Are you inclined to
16. Are you more interested in
17. When confronted with a sudden question do you
18. Do you more often prefer to
19. Are you more likely to trust
20. When searching for a solution are you more interested in
21. In social situations you
22. Are you more interested in
23. Do you value in yourself more that you are
24. Do you more often prefer to
25. Are you more interested in
26. Would you say that you have more
27. In all activities objective criticism is
28. Do you tend to
29. Are you the kind of person who
30. Do you worry more about
31. Do you tend to
32. Are you more comfortable
33. Would you say that you are more in need of
34. Are you more likely to rely on
35. When watching TV dramas do you feel
36. Are you the kind of person who
37. Would you say that you
38. Are you more inclined to
39. In a debate do you
40. Are you more interested in
41. Would you say that you
42. Your desk or workbench at your workplace is
43 When working with others do you tend to
44. Do you usually
45. Which of the following describes you better
46. The notion of an "approximate decision" is
47. When interacting with people do you tend to
48. Do you tend to be more
49. Are you more satisfied
50. Which do you tend to notice more
51. Are you inclined to
52. Would you say that you
53. Do you tend to
54. Do you tend to
55. Are you more likely to take
56. Are you the kind of person who
57. Are you the kind of person who
58. Which do you admire more
59. Are you more likely to be motivated by
60. Do you more often see life as
61. Do you tend to
62. Do you prefer to
63. Are you more inclined to
64. In most situations you rely more on
65. Would you say that you
66. Do you tend to learn new things
67. Do you tend to notice
68. At work do you like to